Winter Hike -D

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Ingredients: Goat milk, saponified oils (olive, coconut, or other oil), shea butter, cocoa butter, essential oils (pine, rosemary, and eucalyptus), mica powders and alfalfa powder.

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Ingredients: Goat milk, saponified oils (olive, coconut, or other oil), shea butter, cocoa butter, essential oils (pine, rosemary, and eucalyptus), mica powders and alfalfa powder.

Ingredients: Goat milk, saponified oils (olive, coconut, or other oil), shea butter, cocoa butter, essential oils (pine, rosemary, and eucalyptus), mica powders and alfalfa powder.

Plain -D
Autumn Mornings -D
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Pumpkin Spice Latte SEASONAL- D
Sale Price:$4.00 Original Price:$6.50
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